The Election is here and I hate it
The Election is around the corner. My cheeky Halloween game about nightmare suburbs is now probably going to be a horror game released on Christmas. To say I am stressing a bit is an understatement. Let me show you some of the things I have read to calm us down (hopefully?)!
- Jimmy Garoppolo, The 2024 Election, And How I Learned To Watch The Game - Denny Carter writes a defense on why analytics in both politics and sports are sometimes not to be trusted. "Watch the game!" is like touch grass but for people who are too brain poisoned by analytics.
- The Eephus Pitch, A Play Within A Play Within an MMO, and When Home Goes Read-Only - Aurahack talks about her experiences watching Grand Theft Hamlet and her thoughts on the ephemerality(the temporariness) of spaces in the wake of Cohost going read only.
- What happens when a secretive blockchain company buys your game studio - Bryant Francis looks into the secretive acquisition of Forte Labs by a blockchain platform, and the consequences of those secrets.
- why am i interested in flip phones - Cathode Ray Dude has a blog now on top of a youtube channel! Anyways, here he is talking why their is nostalgia for flip phones (hint: its not because people actually like them)!
- Drifting through the Empire State, in pictures - Nat Clayton came to America but specifically to the land of my ancestors(Manhattan) and took some photos!
- Microsoft is basically discontinuing Windows. What will happen, then? - Bruno Dias discusses the EOL for Windows 10 and the consequences it will have in the near future. Kinda hoping for a Scenario 5 if I'm honest.
- There is life after Twitter - Eniko Fox talks about their experience about migrating their socials away from twitter post muskrat.
Anyways, I am going to vote at 8 AM tomorrow and then proceed to day drink cause I literally don't know how I am going to handle this election otherwise.
As always thanks for reading!